There are 2 situations if your order doesn't ship out after 5 business days:

1) Back Order
If your order includes products that are currently out of stock (usually we will remind customers by editing the product title with "back order" in advance), it will not be shipped out until the products are back in stock. You can check the estimated arrival date in "Availability" on the product page.

2) Additional Shipping Information Required
Please note that wedo not ship to PO box addresses. We kindly advise you to fill in a physical address for shipping when you check out. If you had already filled in a PO box address, we will send you an email to help you change the shipping address. Please keep an eye on emails from us.

You will receive shipment notification and tracking number as soon as orders leave our warehouse, tracking information will be updated within 2 business days. If you don't receive your package, please contact us via our customer service email directly.

Please feel free to contact us via if you have any further questions.